Now more than ever, you may be feeling anxious and uncertain about your finances given the recent market volatility largely fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic. Not to mention the added stress of navigating the prospect of a “new normal,” e.g. social isolation, working from home, homeschooling children, caring for elders, and more…

Luckily, there is a lot you can do right now to help relieve the burden of financial stress.

Join us as we break down what’s going on in the market and share ways you can prepare your personal finances for what’s to come.

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
10:00am - 10:45am PST

ABD Hosts

Camille Bouvet, CFP®
Senior Consultant,
Certified Financial Planner

Sarah Schwartz
Retirement Plan Consultant
  • What’s going on with the recent market volatility and how to respond
  • New financial relief programs from the federal government and private sector (i.e. stimulus package, suspending student loan interest, prohibiting evictions/foreclosures)
  • 401(k) options if you’re experiencing financial hardship (hardship withdrawals, loans, rollovers)
  • Refinancing debt opportunities to take advantage of much lower interest rates
  • Quick and easy ways to take control of your spending during this time
  • Free tools and resources that can help you navigate your personal financial situation
  • Q&A